Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight

Flare Gun Z (Sturmpistole/kampfpistole) Inclinometer Sight

In used condition this Inclinometer Sight for the (Sturmpistole/Kampfpistole) model Z, unfortunately the nut isn't original but it has been found on an attic in The Netherlands for 10 years ago!
This example is incredibly RARE to find!

Code: 51912

750.00 EUR